Calendrier > États-Unis > > Cascade - Idaho
Payette river games
- Du 19 au 21 juin 2015
- Kelly’s Whitewater Park - Cascade - Idaho (États-Unis)
- compétition course race
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Pour le SUP, il y a 2 épreuves: le sprint et le boardercross.
Le sprint se déroule sur eau plate mais avec 2 bouées à passer en eau vive.
Le boardercross est un enchaînement de 5 bouées à passer dans le sens que l'on souhaite avec un départ de 6 riders.
Pour motiver les coureurs, le prize money est conséquent: 50.000$....
Plus d'info:
Payette river games #2015We had a good run Payette. Your kindness and overwhelming generosity will forever be remembered.nHere is a little Sunday treat... And about the Jonas story... That for-sure, will be continued... so stay tuned. n#tooblessedtobestressed. Train Hard Go Fast Have Fun..Love often. Happy Sunday...
Payette River Games 2015
The 2015 Payette River Games as an amazing event with talent from all over the world! Congratulations to the top 3 finishers Mo Freitas, Dane Jackson & Zane Schweitzer.Filmed & Edited By Matty Schweitzer Music by: Major Lazer & DJ Snake; Lean On.
2015 Payette River Games - SUP Teaser Clip
With $50,000 on the line, this is the world's richest Stand Up Paddling event.
Payette River Games 2015 #Friday recap
It was a big day with Super G and SUP Cross events leading into tomorrow's finals. Lots of great competition culminating with a huge collision of paddle, board, person and water in the final heats. So much fun to watch. Ken and Dave Kalama announced the event and kept the crowd pumped and engaged in one of the most perfect summer days of the year.
Payette River Games 2015 #Saturday Recap
Ken Hoeve goes over Saturday highlights and a preview of what's in store tomorrow at the Payette River Games in Cascade, Idaho
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