Calendrier > Portugal > > Mertola
Guadiana challenge 2018
- Du 20 au 22 avril 2018
- Fleuve Guadiana - Mertola (Portugal)
- compétition course race
- Web:
Alors si vous passez les vacances au Portugal en avril, ce peut être une jolie occasion de découvrir le parc naturel de la vallée du Guadiana et de partager un moment avec les rameurs portugais.
Au programme:
#32 km Race Challenge
#32km Fun Challenge
#10km Fun Paddle
Enjoy a slice of paradise with the Guadiana Challenge Riverfest in 2018This was what the Guadiana Challenge Riverfest looked like in 2017. Stand up paddle all weekend! Can you IMAGINE what it's going to be like in 2018? Save the date: April 20-22 2018 and enjoy the entire weekend down in Mêrtola, Portugal with us. Rest assured on the Saturday we will have a super long paddle and a shorter one for those of you who want to take it easier and just enjoy the sup lifestyle with us. There will definitely be a rocking party on the Saturday night with great music, great food, bonfires and incredible people from the stand up paddle community.
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