Vidéo > vidéos du jimmy-lewis black and blue 9'6

The Jimmy Lewis Black & Blue Machine

Durée: 2:36

A quick summer session on Maui with Jimmy Lewis, John Miller and Marlon Lewis all riding the Black & Blue Machine.
This board was designed specifically for nose riding and that old school longboard type surfing.
This board has the classic 60’s rocker which is a lower, straighter entry rocker that allows the nose to plane up rather than getting sucked down and pearling. A smooth rocker curve going into a pronounced tail kick which holds the tail down in the wave, coupled with the 50/50 rails which also holds the board in the face of the wave to allow sustained nose rides. The outline is a classic 60’s style parallel railed template with some hips in the tail for those smooth rolling turns and cutbacks. The board comes in a flat bottom nose for more speedy nose rides or a concave nose for “lifting” nose rides.

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