Vidéo > vidéos du jimmy-lewis superfrank lean 8'0


Durée: 0:48

The Super Frank should be ridden quite a bit shorter than your normal board and still offer plenty stability. Flat rocker with a very deep single to double concave for high speed and drive in flat and weak surf. The outline has the wide point a bit forward coming into a performance thumb tail to make the board very responsive and easy to whip around. The Super Frank comes in two widths for each length so you can choose the width and volume that best suits you.
5 Fin Box Set Up.
Comes with JL 5 fin set. (allows for thruster or quad fin set up)
Thruster set Size – 4.5'
Quad set size- Front 4.5' Back 4.0'

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Autres vidéos du jimmy-lewis superfrank lean 8'0

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