Calendrier > Allemagne > > Fehmarn

Fehmarn world cup

  • Du 7 au 9 août 2015
  • Südstrand - Fehmarn (Allemagne)
  • compétition course race
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Germany World Cup 2014 #Long Distance Race

With strong winds and a demanding long distance course set, today was one of the toughest races yet. Congrats to Connor Baxter for taking the win and the overall title of the Camp David Sup World Cup 2014 and to Lina Augaitis for taking the win today for the womens field and also the overall title for the Camp David Sup World Cup 2014.

Camp David Sup World Cup 2014 #Sprint Racing

Today saw the sprint racing for the Camp David Sup World Cup and what an amazing day or racing it was. With strong winds and the best Paddlers in the world competing here in Germany it was a hard fight to the finals and then the podium.

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